I have just completed my RDA1a form and so I now have a workplan:
Year 1 Tasks
- Undertake literature review on the latest damage models generally and in the field of power electronics. This will include previous Univ Greenwich work.
- Review and document damage models and material models for (i) Wire Bonds, (ii) SnAg solder joints and Iiii) Sintered Silver joints
- Demonstrate damage mechanics modelling using simple model in ANSYS & PHYSICA.
- Work closely with University of Nottingham team – obtain data for use in new model development
- Develop damage models for wirebonds and SnAg solder
- Investigate how to include microstructure effects in the models
- Use ROMARA to develop reduced order models for above damage models
- Work closely with Dr Hua Lu to embed above models into POWERLIFE software
- Present research at department PhD presentations
- Prepare paper for EuroSime 2013 conference
- Consider writing a review paper for IEEE CPMT Transactions
Year 2 Tasks
- Verify accuracy of models developed for wirebonds and SnAg silver
- Work closely with Univ Nottingham to obtain data on Sintered Silver joints
- Develop a damage model for Sintered Silver Joints including microstrure effects
- Validate above model with data from Univ Nottingham and industrial partners
- Write paper for EPTC conference (Singapore)
- Disseminate work at school PhD seminars
- Write journal paper for ASME Microelectronics Reliability
- Work closely with Dr Hua Lu to embed Sintered Silver models into POWERLIFE
- Quantify the accuracy of current models using data from Univ Nottingham and Industrial partners
- Complete MPHIL/PHD transfer
Year 3 Tasks
- Quantify process variations and model uncertainty for wire bond and die attach materials
- Capture above variations into POWERLIFE software to provide a framework for design for Robustness
- review physics-of-failure based prognostics models
- Identify methodology to include developed damage models into a real-time prognostics and health monitoring framework
- Use the schools NI PXI system to demonstrate the above.
- Disseminate research at schools PhD seminar
- prepare paper for ECTC conference in USA.
- Write paper for Applied Mathematical Modelling Journal.
- Prepare contents page for PhD thesis and agree with supervisors
- Write PhD thesis
Should be fun... Travelling, writing papers and learning new software. Right I better get back to work.